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Property management

Leasing and Marketing
Purists would refer to leasing and marketing as No. 1 priority for a company that offers property management as a service. At APS, we agree with this view, for a simple reason: Value can be derived from a property only when it is marketed right and leased right.

Our role begins with an assessment of the potential, bearing in mind the type of structure, amenities provided and the location. For example, in the case of residential property, emphasis is given to proximity to services and community infrastructure such as local transport, malls, schools and healthcare.

Once the mapping is complete, we provide the owner with a report on expected rentals, and a multi-media strategy for marketing of the property. We also help implement the strategy and take the primary objective of leasing to a successful conclusion. If the owner wishes to sell an asset, we can provide an assessment of the sale price, identify buyers and escort the sale process until completion.
Service Provider Management
Most of the services provided by APS are in house, ie. captive services. Yet, there are specific areas that call for the appointment of a third party provider. In such situations, APS take the responsibility of identifying suitable providers, and monitoring their quality and service delivery.
Maximising Occupancy
Overall, we ensure that the property managed by us is occupied to its full potential. We advise property owners on steps to maximize rental income and enhance property value. As part of our role, we carry out asset inspections, and where required, facilitate tenants moving in or out.
Acquiring and owning a property is not an easy task. The balancing of income from the asset and setting off expenditure makes it more complex. Budgeting, ie. anticipated income, forecasting of foreseeable expenses, calculation of return on investment and provision of contingency fund, can help the owner avoid pitfalls that may emerge from time to time.

APS has the necessary expertise and experience to prepare a realistic budget for your review and action.
Rent Collection and Lease Management
In a residential complex with over 100 apartments, rent collection can be a challenge in terms of monitoring the periodic credits from cheques and issuing notice for renewal when the lease is due to expire. APS deploys a dedicated team for lease management and uses state of the art software which is equipped with auto alerts and red flags.
Advertising Brand and Media Management
When a project is launched, is due for completion or ready for occupation, it may require visibility by way of a PR campaign or advertising campaign. The building may have to be positioned as a residential or commercial brand and the message targeted at future occupants.

APS has the requisite expertise to strategise and execute campaigns in conventional media such as print and radio, and in digital media.
Legal Guidance
Rules and regulations with reference to property may be amended by the government or local bodies, to keep pace with the changing dynamics of the resident population and to align with global practices. Our team keeps track of changes and helps the asset owner comply with the prevailing norms. In the area of leasing, we will help draw up tenancy contracts and assist in execution and registration.

In case a post dated cheque issued by a tenant is returned for any reason, we will help the property owner follow due process of law. This could include reporting the payment default to the authorities and tracking the matter until such time the misdemeanour is made good, or the offender is prosecuted by the judiciary.
Reporting and Financial Management
The clients we work with, own properties on a large scale. It could be an entire complex allotted to an educational institution or hospital, a housing unit with over 200 tenants, or an office complex leased to leading corporates and MNCs. Reporting and financial management plays a key role in the management of such properties. APS takes the load off your shoulder by taking responsibility for this key function.
Community Management
The success of a building complex depends on management of the community within. The maxim is most appropriate to a residential building. Often, the inhabitants comprise of diverse nationalities, age groups and ethnic backgrounds. APS helps integrate the residents by organising various events from time to time. This in turn creates an atmosphere of harmony, camaraderie and friendship.